No sample preparation – rapid results – unlimited tests with one device

A re-usable pocket-sized narcotics screener for police patrols bringing new levels of safety and efficiency to police field work. TactiScan® is the first of its kind to provide an unforeseen range of benefits in a portable, highly accurate unit. Measuring samples is safe, fast and easy with TactiScan – no expertise needed!

The device is able to identify all common narcotics and blending agents. New narcotics can be added to the scan library and immediately transferred to all devices in the field.

1. Place the sample on the measurement area

2. In the TactiScan mobile app, click Measure Now

3. In a few seconds, result is visible on the screen

Download our brochure here:


No officer exposure, no sample
destruction, no mistakes

Rapid results with an

easy-to-operate user interface

High measurement accuracy

from a low drug concentration